For Professional Certification and Training Programs

We'll add at
least 10 new student enrollments
Completely Done-for-You
or you don't pay us

Watch the training below

How it Works

Finding the right people and systems is hard.
Let us put the pieces in place for you

Understand Your Ideal Avatar's Painpoints and Desires

Our advertising is specifically designed to speak the language of your ideal student avatar.

Launch Test Ads to Find Your Ideal Students

Testing is everything in advertising. This is why we test different ad style, ad copy and ad creative to find the winners that will have the best ROI.

Hire and Train a Sales Person to Handle Enrollment Calls

This speciallly trained sales hunter will be trained to convert qualified leads into students

What Our Clients Are Saying

Anne, CNA Certification School Owner in SoCal
Achieved a 9x return on ad spend using our strategy

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